
Mini Shanghai Mooncake

Package of ingredients to follow step by step
  • Lurpak Salted Butter 220g
  • Mini Mooncake Pastry 450g
  • Salted Egg Yolk 4 Nos
  • FL Red Bean Paste
  • Mochi
  • Pumpkin Seed
  • Black Sesame
  • Egg 55g
  • Egg Yolk 1 Nos (for brushing use)


  1. Steamed salted egg yolk and reserve. Add Lurpak Butter inside the
    mixer and beat until completely dissolved.
  2. Next, add in Mini Mooncake Pastry and egg, beat with high speed until smooth dough form.
  3. Weigh 20g of each dough and shape into ball and put aside.
  4. After that, mix pumpkin seed together with FL Red Bean Paste and weigh 10g each.
  5. Wrap with salted egg yolk then shape into ball.
  6. Weigh Mochi (Mua Zhi) 4g each. Wrap Mochi(Mua Zhi) and Red Bean Filling with dough & shape into ball.
  7. Bake at 150°C for 10 minutes (1st time) and brush the mooncake with egg yolk.
  8. Bake again at 150°C for 10 minutes (2nd time) brush with egg yolk again and sprinkle a bit of Black Sesame Seed.
  9. Bake at 150°C for 10 minutes (Final) and Enjoy.

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