Corporate Sales Department


Cannot come? Don't worry! Order Online

Write down the products that you want to order (SKU, description, quantity, weight)

Senaraikan barang-barang yang anda perlukan. (SKU, keterangan, kuantiti, berat)

Send your order to us through:

Whatsapp number
1. Katherine – 016-643 3916
2. Valerie – 016-317 3916
3. Irfan – 014-308 8823

Whatsapp nombor
1. Katherine – 016-643 3916
2. Valerie – 016-317 3916
3. Irfan – 014-308 8823

Whatsapp 您的购物清单和地址到电话号码
1. Katherine – 016-643 3916
2. Valerie – 016-317 3916
3. Irfan – 014-308 8823

We will quote you the prices and delivery fees.

Kami akan memberi tahu harga barang dan harga penghantaran kepada anda.

After you confirm everything, you can pay using online bank (instant bank transfer) and send the photo of the receipt to us.

Anda boleh membuat pembayaran melalui talian pemindahan bank dan hantar salinan risit kepada kami.
确定好订单后,您就可以使用网上转账把所需款项汇给我们。 汇款之后必须把电子收据发给我们以便确认。

Your products is ready to be pick-up

Barang anda sedia untuk diambil.

*Terms and Conditions Apply: Minimum RM50 PER ORDER.
Order process take 3 Working Days.

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Spend RM50 Per order. Order process take 3 working days.

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