
Royal Victoria Chill Cheesecake

Package of ingredients to follow step by step
  • Digestive Biscuit 110g
  • Whole Hazelnut with Skin 30g
  • Gelatine Powder 10g
  • Water 45g
  • Castor Sugar 60g
  • Petit Normand Butter (melted) 50g
  • Royal Victoria Cream Cheese 250g
  • Royal Victoria Whipping Cream 200g


  1. Bake Whole Hazelnut with skin for 15 minute at 150°C and crush it.
  2. Crush Digestive Biscuit. Add in Petit Normand Butter (melted) and Crushed Hazelnut, mix well.
  3. Press the crumb mixture into a pan until fiat and chill for 30 minutes.
  4. Add in Royal Victoria Cream Cheese and castor sugar into the mixer and beat until smooth.
  5. Whisk Royal Victoria Whipping Cream until creamy and add into mixer, mix well.
  6. Set Gelatine with water for 5 minute and double boil until dissolves. Add info mixer, mix well.
  7. Fold in the mixture into the chilled crust, spread it evenly.
  8. Refrigerate for 4-6 hours or until firm. Enjoy.

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